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What are some of the ways that competitive swimmers can decrease amount friction or drag between themselves and water though which they swimming?

1) Body position: Streamline the body by keeping the head down and the body close to the water's surface. The less surface area that is exposed to the water, the less drag there will be.

2) Hand position: Keep the hands and arms close to the body, and avoid excessive splashing. The more streamlined the hands and arms are, the less drag they will create.

3) Leg kick: Use a flutter or dolphin kick that is both powerful and efficient. A strong leg kick will help the swimmer move forward through the water, and a streamlined kick will create less drag.

4) Stroke technique: Use a smooth and efficient stroke technique. This will help maintain the swimmer's speed and reduce drag.

5) Use of a swimsuit: Wear a swimsuit that is made of a material that is smooth and has low resistance to the water. This will help reduce drag.

6) Shaving: Shaving the body can reduce the amount of drag created by body hair.

7) Use of a swimming cap: Wearing a swimming cap can reduce the amount of drag created by the hair.

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