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What chemicals can be used in chlorinated pool water to remove the greyish snot like growth from bottom of and what is this growth?


Chlorine is the most commonly used chemical for killing bacteria and other microorganisms in swimming pools. It is a strong oxidizing agent that can break down the cell walls of bacteria and other organisms. Chlorine can also dissolve organic matter, such as dirt, leaves, and body oils, which can help to keep the pool water clean and clear.


Dichloroisocyanurate is a stabilized form of chlorine that is less likely to dissipate in sunlight. It is also more effective at killing bacteria than chlorine.


Bromine is another oxidizing agent that can be used to disinfect swimming pools. It is less irritating to the skin and eyes than chlorine, but it is also less effective at killing bacteria.


Biguanide is a non-oxidizing disinfectant that is effective at killing bacteria and fungi. It is also relatively stable in sunlight and does not produce any harmful byproducts.

Salt Chlorination

Salt chlorination is a method of disinfecting pool water using a salt water chlorinator. The chlorinator converts salt into chlorine gas, which then dissolves in the water. Salt chlorination is a relatively low-maintenance method of pool disinfection, and it produces soft, silky water.

The Greyish Snot Like Growth is Typically Algae

Algae are a type of plant that can grow in swimming pools. They are typically green, but can also be brown, black, or red. Algae can be a nuisance, as they can make the pool water cloudy and unsightly. They can also be slippery and make the pool deck hazardous.

Algae can be controlled by using the proper chemicals and maintaining the pool water at the proper pH and alkalinity levels.

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