The butterfly stroke has a special place among the competitive swimming strokes. It has a reputation of being hard to learn. It is quickly exhausting. Yet when you have mastered this stroke, swimming a few lengths of butterfly can be a lot of fun because of its spectacular and powerful movements.
Butterfly is a spectacular swim stroke!
Let’s have a look at how Michael Phelps swims butterfly:
Let’s analyze the different phases of the butterfly stroke. We imagine that the swimmer is in the following initial position:
Now the swimmer begins the stroke cycle:
The following articles cover the butterfly stroke technique in more detail:
Body Movements: The wave-like body movements are at the heart of the butterfly stroke. This article explains how to generate this body undulation.
Arm Stroke: This article discusses the different phases of the arm stroke and how to properly execute each phase.
The Dolphin Kick: Explains and demonstrates the dolphin kick. Covers technique, number of kicks per stroke cycle, propulsive phases plus some additional tips.
Breathing Technique: Explains when and how to breathe while swimming butterfly. Also covers breathing to the side and breathing frequency.
Learn How To Swim Butterfly: This article gives an overview of our swimming lessons to learn the butterfly stroke.
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