The body undulation and dolphin kick are at the core of the butterfly stroke. It is difficult to swim butterfly well if you haven’t mastered the body undulation first. But once you have mastered it, adding the arm movements is trivial by comparison. So this article proposes a few swimming drills to learn the body undulation and dolphin kick.
Practicing the body undulation underwater helps develop a feel for its movements
Here’s how the body undulation and dolphin kick are executed in these drills:
The drills below teach you the body undulation in a progressive manner. That’s why it is best to practice them in the proposed order. At first, practice the following drills using swimming fins:
Drill #1: At the water surface, lie on your stomach, face down, extend your arms in front of you, and hold a kick board. Execute the hip up and down motion as described above, and let the legs follow along and kick with your feet and fins. Do some body undulations and kicks, then stop to breathe, and start again.
Drill #2: Underwater, lie on your stomach, face down, keep the arms at your sides, then execute the body undulation and kicking motion. Stop regularly to breathe.
Drill #3: At the water surface, lie on your stomach, face down, keep the arms at your sides, then execute the body undulation and kicking motion. Stop regularly to breathe. This is the head-lead body dolphin drill.
Drill #4: Underwater, lie on your stomach, face down, extend the arms in front of you, then execute the body undulation and kicking motion. Stop regularly to breathe.
Drill #5: At the water surface, lie on your stomach, face down, extend the arms in front of you, then execute the body undulation and kicking motion. Stop regularly to breathe.
Once you have mastered the previous set of drills, proceed with the drills below:
Drills #6-9: Repeat drills #2-5 but this time without using fins. This most likely will be rather difficult, as you relied much on the fins for propulsion. It should help a little bit that you start again with an underwater drill, as you then have the resistance of the water both on your back and on your chest to push against. Take your time to master the drills without fins. Instead of directly going from with fins to without fins, you can also try to use shorter ones for a while or trim your regular ones progressively.
Drill #10: At the water surface, lie on your stomach, face down, keep the arms at your sides, then execute the body undulation and kicking motion. Each 3-5 cycles, press your chest and hips harder so that your head lifts above the water. Inhale quickly, then bring you head and chest back down and continue the body undulations.
Drill #11: At the water surface, lie on your stomach, face down, extend the arms in front of you, then execute the body undulation and kicking motion. Each 3-5 cycles, press your chest and hips harder so that your head lifts above the water. Inhale quickly, then bring you head and chest back down and continue the body undulations.
So that’s it, these are the 11 drills to learn the body undulation and dolphin kick!
Please take care of the following points while learning the body undulation and dolphin kick:
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