Opting for an above-ground swimming pool is a good idea, because it eliminates the need to dig up the entire backyard. Moreover, these pools take lesser time to install.

Above-ground pools, as the name indicates are those pools installed above ground level. They are the cheapest option among the different pool types. They come in a variety of sizes, with models ranging from 10 ft to over 30 ft in diameter. They come in three basic shapes: rectangular, round, and oval. Such above-ground pools are beneficial to those who do not wish to dig up the backyard to install the pool. Moreover, they don't take too long to install.
Most of the pools can be constructed using pre-fabricated kits. They require a flat and level surface, and also require access to electricity and water supply. However, they do have their share of disadvantages. These pools may be less expensive, but they do not last long and also lack the aesthetic appeal of in-ground pools. Above-ground pools comprise two types of pools: soft-sided and hard-sided pools. The soft-sided ones are constructed from rubber or latex. Hard-sided pools are constructed using metal and fiberglass, which makes them more durable and expensive.
Sod Removal
Using a square shovel, all vegetation must be removed from the ground allotted for an above-ground pool installation. One could even rent a sod cutter for a few hours to cut all the vegetation in a few minutes. Some areas in the US require up to 6 inches of clear area all around the pool. Thus, the local codes must be checked.
Site Leveling
After sod removal, the next step is leveling the installation site. Uneven ground cannot be fixed after the installation and water addition. Moreover, an uneven surface will give the pool a lopsided appearance, which is why this step is a crucial one. Instead of filling the low spots, it's advisable to dig out the high spots. Flat patio stones are to be installed at each upright location as per the instructions. These patio stones must be leveled to the ground as well as to each other. Tamp and level the ground with a minimum 2 inches of masonry sand or clean soft sand. The site drainage should also be taken into consideration.
Pool Wall Assembly
The next significant step is to level and round the walls of the swimming pool. While leveling the wall assembly, it is important to check and make sure it is perfectly round if it is a circular pool. This is to make sure that the pool liner fits properly, and the pool posts don't lean in or out in a conspicuous manner.
Liner Installation
While lining a pool, some wrinkling is prone to happen, though not in massive amounts. In order to avoid wrinkles, while overlapping the liners, one should remove the excess material as water is added. Smoothen the material out to the sides with beaded liners. Patience and diligent effort is required to achieve proper installation.
Frame Assembly
As per the manufacturer's instruction manual, one could begin the frame assembling procedure. Uniform spacing between the track connections must be checked, and if all the pieces are uniform in shape and dimension, then the final assembly of the pool will be smooth.
Safety Signs and Warranty Information
The safety signs supplied by the manufacturer need to be attached to the pool. The warranty and other instruction booklets must be stored away safely, as they will be required in the future.
Excavated Ground Material
Next, comes the even dispersal of the excavated site material after installing the pool. The excavated material should be used to even out the area of the backyard and fill in the low spots. Be creative and come up with some interesting landscaping ideas.
Local Code Awareness
Before installing an above-ground pool, one should obtain the permit for it and display it prior to commencement of its construction. The pool must be listed according to the zonal rules and underground pipes and wires are to be avoided.
Electrical System Requirements
Proper wiring of the pool pump must also be done. A 120 volt power line running underground, as per the code requirements should be provided for from the main source power panel, which is wired directly to the pump. Additional outlets are also required near the pool.
These installation instructions is just a framework or guide to install an above-ground pool. The actual instructions are far more detailed and the process is also quite complex. It is appropriate to seek professional assistance.