It can get quite confusing to decide between fiberglass or vinyl if you wish to build a swimming pool for your house. While both these materials have their benefits and drawbacks, fiberglass seems like the wiser choice.

Having a swimming pool in the house goes beyond being a status symbol. This body of water, serves as an excellent exercising equipment and can be turned into an entertainment zone whenever needed. The multipurpose use of a pool makes it one of the must have accessories in the house. An indoor swimming pool is all you need to make your home seem like a vacation home. If nothing else, just sitting by the pool after long hard day's work, soothes and calms the mind. With so many advantages of owning a swimming pool in the house, you need to know how to build a swimming pool. Tiled swimming pool are definitely a passé as they are difficult to maintain and costly. To make the most cost-effective and easy to maintain pools, check out what fiberglass and vinyl pools hold for you.
Difference Between Fiberglass and Vinyl Pools
Buying a pool for your house is expensive. Thus, you need to get your study right about the types of pools available in the market to spend wisely. Let's find out what are the differences between fiberglass pools and vinyl pools, so that you can make a better choice!
Fiberglass Pools
Modern pools are made out of fiberglass for their durability. Fiberglass pools are made out of polyester resin material, which ensures better reinforcing strength and good support. Most of the fiber glass pools have a smooth surface, are resistant to corrosion, do not chip, which provide the swimmers a safer pool as compared to traditional builds. Fiberglass has innumerable strong fibers, which makes the material stronger than steel. The biggest advantage of installing a fiberglass pool is that it does not need any construction extensions as support. As most indoor pool buyers look out for low maintenance pools, fiberglass pools perfectly fit the bill. They barely need any kind of repairs or chemical cleaning. Earlier fiberglass pools were available only in white finish and in one shape. Today, as the industry is catching up with competitors, there is a range of colored finishes and in different shapes and sizes. Fiberglass glass pools last longer, as compared to other kinds and are hence a little more expensive. However, the price seems worth it in the long run.
Vinyl Pools
Vinyl pools are also a very popular type of pool. The interior of the pool has a vinyl liner. Such kind of pools are famous in European countries, Canada, England and New Zealand. These are also extremely durable and last for quite a few decades. They are preferred by most pool buyers as they have a low-cost, better insulation, diversity of colors and a non-kid finish, which discourages algae growth. Replacing the liner takes about two to three days. Constructing a vinyl pool is the cheapest, as the materials are available at a very low-cost. They provide a smooth surface and their non porous surface requires less chemical use, which helps in saving money. Vinyl pools can be customized to any shape and size, as compared to fiberglass pools. Vinyl pools come with a warranty of 20-30 years. However, these are of little use as the liners lose value every year and the warranty does not cover the cost of labor and water costs during repairs. For those of you who use chlorine to keep the pool clean, the liners can fade away really fast. Thus, although the liner may be effective, it may lose its aesthetic value. Additionally, the resale value of vinyl pools is lesser than fiberglass pools. This makes buyers think twice before buying a house with a vinyl pool.
It is evident that fiberglass pools are a better investment. Although, a vinyl pool is cheaper at the outset, it can turn out to incur heavier losses in the longer run. Thus, ensure you have your homework right before you actually spend money on building a pool in the house.