If hitting the slopes is all you have on your mind, you will need to know how to prepare new skis to ensure they are ready to go. You may not really think about doing extra work to your new skis before testing them out, but it is necessary to prepare them for first time use. After your new skis are setup properly the first run will go smoothly and then it's just regular maintenance from there on forward.
Things you will need to prepare your new skis:
Fibertex pads
100 to 150 grit sandpaper
Brass brush
Scotch Brite pads
Clean rags
Base cleaning solvent
Hot wax
Blow dryer
Cleaning the base is the first step in preparing new skis for the mountain runs. Just like you wash your car before you wax it, the same applies to new skis.
Use Fibertex pads to scrub the base of your skis clean. Dirt, dust, grime and other particles can be embedded deep in the ski's pores from sitting in the ski shop or from not being exposed to the snow.
Use a brass brush for heavy duty cleaning. You may apply base cleaning solvent first, then scrub with a brass brush and hose off.
If you don't have these materials, use a Scotch Brite pad or even a clean, rough rag to remove all impurities from the base surface.
The next step is to apply hot wax directly onto the ski's base. While the wax is still hot, scrape off the excess wet wax with a plastic scraper until the remaining wax is smooth. It is recommended to apply several coats of hot wax (you may use a blow dryer) to your new skis before using them.
For the best performance on the slopes, you always want to prepare your new skis for a great season of fast, downhill runs.