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How to Land a Switch 180 on Skis

2016/7/23 16:38:41

The 180 is one of the very elementary tricks in freestyle skiing. Chances are, it is the first rotation trick you will learn. But once you have 180s down, and you want to attempt something a bit more difficult and stylish, try a switch 180. If done correctly, this will look great, and pave the way for more difficult switch jumps.


  1. 1 Find your jump. The vital thing to remember here is to start small. The smaller and the easier, the better. Your first jump should be more of a mound that air can be taken off of.
  2. 2 Find your mound, and do a few normal jumps to get the feel. When you are doing your normal jumps, take note of how steep the take off is, how steep the landing is, and how much speed you must take to clear the jump.
  3. 3 Try your first switch 180. Start at the required distance up the run up, and begin to run down to the jump backwards, all the while looking back, turning your head in the direction you intend to spin. This is absolutely crucial to the jump.
  4. 4 Commit to going off the jump switch. At the transition to the jump, you will probably be feeling nervous, and your instinct will be to stop, or rotate. Do your best to ignore this instinct.
  5. 5 Pop your knees like you would in any jump at the lip of the jump.  
  6. 6 Turn your shoulders while airborne in the direction you want to spin. As soon as you've turned, spot your landing, and don't take your eyes off it. There is a basic, elementary rule in freestyle skiing. That is, look where you want to go and chances are, your body will follow.
  7. 7 Make sure your skis are in line with the landing and bend your knees to prepare for landing.
  8. 8 Stomp the landing and ride away. Congratulations, keep practicing and soon you'll be landing corked 540's!

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