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How To Select The Right Size Twin-Tip Ski

2016/7/23 15:49:55

Learn about how to select the right size Twin-Tip ski before you hit the slopes. Twin-Tip skies are ideal for skiers who want to do tricks. Twin-Tip skis allow you to land jumps and flips with their curved tips. Typically, Twin-Tip skies give you more control and more responsiveness which is necessary for park skiing. Twin-Tip skis are the snowboards of skis.

  1. Figure out how much time you plan to spend in the park. If you plan to spend all of your time in the snow park, you might want to consider a freestyle twin tip ski, like the Line EP Pro Skis. Like other twin tip skis, these skis are wide and perfect for landing tricks with ease. If you still plan to spend a large portion of your time on the mountain, you will want a more all-terrain, twin-tip ski that will allow you to do flips and also carve down the mountain.
  2. Consider your weight. Many people think that your height is used to determine what size twin-tip skis to purchase. This is not the case. Your weight is much more important than your height as a determinant of your twin-tip ski size. If you are a larger person (over 180 pounds for example), you will want to consider a longer twin-tip ski. This will give you more control while doing tricks and skiing down the mountain.
  3. Do what feels comfortable. Sizing Twin-Tip skis is the same as sizing all-mountain skis; you ultimately have to get the length that is comfortable for you. Generally speaking, going longer is better. Most Men's twin-tip skies range from 155 to 175cm in length. If you are new to doing jumps, you might want to start on the shorter range. Again, this is a very general rule.
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