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Don’t Take To The Slopes Without Ski Insurance

2016/7/23 15:05:28

Few people envision much besides thick, plush snow beds, beautiful mountain peaks, and exhilarating ski courses when they think of their ski trips. But the reality is that skiing is a dangerous activity that can lead to serious injuries that require hospitalization and even surgery, which is why having ski insurance is so important before you embark on your trip.

What do ski insurance policies offer

Many skiers believe that purchasing insurance is a waste of money because they feel confident in their ability to ski, but confidence isn’t enough and ski insurance offers protection in more ways than one.

Most ski insurance plans provide coverage against:

� Trip cancelation/delay- There’s no shortage of reasons why trips get delayed or canceled and without ski insurance you can be sure that you’ll encounter some difficulties in getting your trip back on schedule.

� Lost baggage-Having your baggage lost or stolen on a ski trip can totally ruin your trip. Having access to your gear, clothing, and other valuables is critical.

� Lost/stolen equipment- No equipment means no skiing, and that ultimately means- an unhappy traveler. Most insurance plans will provide coverage if your equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged, but you’ll need to read the details to make sure that you follow the proper guidelines when it comes to securing your property in the first place.

� Medical injuries/evacuation/repatriation- Broken bones, sprained limbs, and other injuries are common while skiing, particularly if you are a newbie. Sometimes these injuries require that you receive medical treatment or be evacuated to a facility that can accommodate you, which can be extremely expensive without insurance.

What else should you know about ski insurance?

� It is not usually offered under standard travel insurance plans- If you think you’ll find the same protection offered under standard insurance plans as travel ones, think again. Most insurers consider skiing to be a high-risk activity, meaning your coverage will cost more than usual and will require an adventure or sports traveler policy.

� It can be purchased as a single, multi, or annual policy-If you like to ski often then you can take advantage of policies that will cover you on multiple trips over a certain period of time. Just be certain that you understand the rules and restrictions regarding these policies.

� Policies can vary greatly in coverage protection- Every insurer offers different levels of ski on insurance protection, so you can’t assume that just because one insurer offers a certain cover benefit that another one will. Read each and every policy to avoid any problems later on.

Having ski insurance should be just as important as having fun on your trip.

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