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Skiing Guide: Safety Advice

2016/7/23 14:06:18

In this part of our learn to ski guide we look at what to be aware of while skiing.

Injury rates are lower for skiing than for many other recreational activities, but there are still thousands of ski-related injuries every year. The nature of it means that you'll always be at a degree of risk, but there are things that you can do to minimize the risk of sustaining an injury.

Check that you have all the necessary equipment, and that it's in good, working condition, and that you're wearing the appropriate attire. Your boots, bindings and skis should all be tailored to your weight, height, and level of expertise and should be checked over by a certified ski shop after every prolonged absence of use. Keeping yourself warm, particularly your hands and feet, and making sure that your clothing is resistant to both wind and water is of particular importance.

If you don't know how to ski and don't have confidence in your ability, then just don't. While family and friends may know what they're talking about, it's a better idea to learn from a certified ski instructor. The better your skiing knowledge and technique, the less mistakes you'll make, and the less mistakes you make, the less you'll be putting yourself in harm's way. It's a proven fact that taking ski lessons reduces your risk of injury on the slopes.

Ski only at a speed which is safe (in relation to your ability and experience, the number of skiers around you, the condition of the slope and the weather conditions), don't make any rash or unpredictable maneuvers, and never stop unnecessarily. There may be times when you find yourself on a slope that causes you to feel unsafe; if so, side-step down it with your skis on. Pay close attention to posted signs (predominantly at the top and bottom of slopes, and in the convergence of slopes) and obey them.

Prepare yourself physically for skiing by engaging in a strengthening and conditioning program months in advance of your trip. Aerobic training with some weight training added is recommended. You will not be able to ski for very long without succumbing to fatigue if you are not well-conditioned and physically fit. Skiing while tired is dangerous so know your own physical limits and take rest breaks at regular intervals.

Re-apply your sunscreen during your rest breaks, and make sure you rehydrate as well. Drinking enough water is critical to avoid nausea, fainting and altitude sickness, and sunburn is more likely at high altitudes so use a sunscreen with a 30+ factor even on cloudy days.

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