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Ski Crystal Mountain

2016/7/23 14:06:10

If you stay in or close to Washington State and love to ski you should visit Crystal Mountain. The mountain has an elevation of just over seven thousand feet and a drop of over three thousand feet. Crystal Mountain actually sits below Mount Rainier, which has an elevation of over 14,000 feet. Mostly between the months of November and April it is typical for seven feet of snow to fall on Crystal Mountain.

There is lots of rough terrain and as such there is not much to offer the complete novice as far as easy runs go. Nevertheless, there are lessons on offer as well as ski and ski boot rental to enable you get started with this great outdoor sport.

With more than 50 trails to choose from this is the largest ski area in Washington State. To cope with the large numbers of skiers there is a number of alternative ski lifts, around 10 in all. There is also one surface lift for the children.

The main season mostly starts from the middle of the month of November to the middle of April when the snow is at its most. If there is enough demand and there is still sufficient snow this can sometimes be extended.

Being such a favourite ski region there are lots of visitors who all need to be fed. As such there are lots of different places to eat and of course ample accommodation from small lodges to hotels depending on your requirements.

During the busiest months there is a bus service that runs direct to the base of the ski slopes close to the ski lifts. This service runs from lots of the favourite hotels and lodges and can offer a cost effective option to get to the slopes.

Despite the challenging nature of many of the ski runs, Crystal Mountain still offers a good option for households wishing to go on a family skiing holiday. Remember to keep it safe and avoid any ski runs that you think may be beyond your skiing expertise.

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