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Highly Suggested Workouts Prior To Ski Vacations

2016/7/23 11:13:41

Highly Suggested Workouts Prior to Ski Vacations

Ski vacations are fun getaways for all ages. After all, ski resorts do not only cater to its singular namesake recreation. But for people who wish to pursue skiing itself, it is more prudent to make some serious preparations. Such an exhilarating sport has become a culprit to a number of fatalities caused by reckless gliding and substandard fitness.

Therefore, proper physical conditioning is required in order to have a safe vertical drift. Here are five gym exercises you needed in order to acquiesce your body to the mechanics of skiing:

Romanian Deadlift

This type of workout aims to build up the hamstrings to prevent ligament trauma around the knees. While standing erect, keep your knees slightly bent and feet a shoulder's span apart. Move your hips backward as you lower the barbell down to the knee level. Then lift the barbell up by pushing your hips forward, using your arms and shoulders as a fulcrum in order to return to a full standing position. While repeating this process, always remember to keep your back straight to perform proper execution. This exercise helps maintain the proper bent skiing position throughout the entire descent.

Single Leg Eccentric Press

This type of leg press aims to strengthen the legs, especially around the knees and the calves. Unlike other leg presses, this exercise has certain modifications. You need to lower the plates with one leg weighing more than half of the normal weight a two-legged lift can push with ease. After a momentary tension, push the plates up with both legs. This exercise roughly simulates the singular leg pressure one experiences when attempting to swerve while gliding down the treacherous slopes of any ski vacation destinations.

Medicine Ball Pump Squat

In addition to the endurance acquired from Romanian Deadlift, this exercise aims to develop endurance on the buttocks, quads (front of the hamstrings) and lower back. This exercise entails embracing a heavy medicine ball while doing low repetitive squats.

Squat Jump

Squat jumps differ from medicine ball pump squat in many ways. There are no weights involved when doing this exercise, save for one's own against gravity. Squat as low as possible, and then push yourself up to a high jump. This type of exercise allows one to develop endurance on the same lower extremities. This is to prevent injury right after an explosive muscle tension from attempting sudden skiing leaps.

Reverse Treadmill Walk

Complete reinforcement of the leg muscles and buttocks is possible by walking the treadmill backwards. You can start with a forward walk in order to establish balance and momentum before turning around and doing the backward walk. Elevate the incline after every specific interval. Dropping to a squat position while doing this reverse walk imitates the tuck position of skiing.

It pays to be able to endure these exercises for one to be confident enough to cope with the hazards of proactive ski vacations.

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