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How To Fix PS3 Red Blinking Light - The Top Five Fixes

2016/7/23 10:19:06

If you are suffering from the red light of death and want to fix it fast there are many more in the same boat. Thousands of gamers every year become victims of the PS3 red light of death, and if you are reading this then I assume you have just joined them. Don't throw your console away just yet though or rush to the store to buy a new one as we may be able to bring your console back from the dead with these five simple fixes.
1. Ventilation - If the console is having difficulty getting air in and out of it this can cause overheating which will result in the rlod. So take a look at your console vents ensure they are not blocked up with dust or anything else if there is clean it with a dry cloth immediately and be aware of this situation in the future.
2. Remove the Power Cable - Yes that's right the old faithful method that fixes most things these days. Turn it off, wait for about half an hour, and turn it on again. This has been known to work with different PS3 problems. However if it does not then you will have to try something else.
3. Remove Hard Drive - Not as complicated as it sounds as there are many tutorials for this online. Take it out wait a couple of minutes and replace it, this can solve your red light problems. If it does not this can signify you may have a problem with your mother board.
4. Do You Have a Valid Warranty? - If so you can send the console back to Sony for them to repair it for you. This however can take about six weeks and chances are you will not receive your console back but a refurbished one instead. Also the hard drive gets wiped as part of the process so you will lose all your saved games, trophies and downloads. If your console is not under warranty you can still send it off to be repaired, but expect a bill in the region of $200 for them to fix it. Chances are you will have the red light of death again shortly to.
5. Search Online - Check the internet and see how the other thousands like you and me fix our consoles. I personally used a guide which cost less than $40 and was written by professional console repairman Rob Sheffield. Containing easy to follow step by step instructions and videos I found it easy to fix my console in just under an hour. The money I saved went towards a couple of new games to.

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