There are different horseshoe games, but here are the basic rules for one common variation:
1. Each player stands behind one of the stakes.
2. The first player tosses their horseshoe toward the opposite stake.
3. The player whose horseshoe lands closest to the stake scores 1 point.
4. If a horseshoe lands inside the stake, it scores 2 points.
5. If a horseshoe encircles the stake, it scores 3 points.
6. Players take turns tossing their horseshoes until one player reaches a predetermined score, usually 15 or 21.
Here are some additional rules that are sometimes used:
* If a horseshoe lands on top of another horseshoe, it is called a "ringer" and scores 3 points.
* If a horseshoe lands within 6 inches of the stake, it is called a "near ringer" and scores 1 point.
* If a horseshoe goes off the court, it is called a "dead shoe" and does not score any points.
Horseshoes is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to get outside and enjoy some friendly competition.
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