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guide regarding reality in wrestling

hello my question is simple i just want to ask that i know now wrestling is all planned but when was the time when its not when there is pure real wrestling may be in AWA,NWA,ROH,WWF,WWFTV,WCCW or what ever i want to know this as i have collected nearly 200 best matches ever and sad to know that these all are planned and somehow fake.

Well, I saw a history of professinal wrestling on A & E channel and there was alot of talk about when it made a change between reality and pre-determined.  It was around the 50's where promotions took the shows "on the road" and a one sports reporter from a local town wrote the results of wrestling show PRIOR TO THE SHOW HAPPENING!

It is an interesting documentary to watch.  It is all "shoot" from the stars who contibuted their time.  A must see.

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