Crappy Wrestlin
I'm going into my 3rd season of wrestling this year at the 112 pound weight class but don't feel like I'm any good. I wrestled freestyle/greco for the past 2 years and have done all open gyms and off season tournaments/practices I could get my hands on but I still get pounded on by people who have less experience than I do. I've been JV all three years and want to know if there are any other resources out there to help me improve. Also, I weigh 107 and wish to gain 4 pounds of muscle and was wondering on the best way to do so.
Of course there is, go to a wrestling club. They will train you one on one and they are really good at it. Also, freestyle/greco is not a lightweight sport. The people there are pretty crazy. That should have raised your skill by some amount. Also lifting is a huge advantauge for light weights. If you lift more, then I guarentee you will do better because light weights are fast but if they are strong as well, then you have a pretty good shot at winning. I hope that helps.
Out of HS... wanting to continue grappling