weight loss/opponent
monday we have a 2 1/2hour wrestling and i want to drop 7 pounds in 5 days i now about the 50 cals a day andif less than 10 mis dont eat and all of that and ive tryed it i lost 2 pounds but, i figure i can drop the weight faster with sweat shirts on but i couldnot handle all of that running with a sweatshirt on. any options
also im in a high weight class 120-30 and this is my first year im vs a lot of 8th graders with a lot more expirence
im just as strong as they are yet there pushin me 5 ft 8 ft with resistence there just double going for the far side cradle and if i breake that they work me overon my stomach to the gilatin or half there toquick and im to small to over power them. i can a person my own height and weight but not them.
to start off with Nick, you're a little hard to follow at times. You have to look over what you've typed once or twice, cuz if i don't know the question its hard to give you a good answer.
so lets try and answer as much as i can. the calories thing, its 500 not 50. a pound of fat has 3500 calories, so that's what you want to base your plan around, losing fat. long term, that's a good idea, always lose your weight slowly if you can. but i understand the need to lose some "weight" quickly. we've all done it, but you don't want to do that too much. try, over the course of the season to lose less and less weight by sweating each week. trust me you'll feel better as the season goes on if you're more hydrated at weigh ins.
that whole last paragraph i didn't get much out of with regards to a question. so i'll just throw some knowledge your way. when you're on the bottom try and stay in your stance. i know it sounds weird but trust me. when you're down, you don't ever want your head and knees to be too close. but not too far away either. try it, get on your feet and get in your stance, then without moving your hands or feet try and keep the same distance while you're on bottom. sorry i couldn't be more help. good luck! stay safe!
need help with moves/stamina/pins/takedowns