Desperate Wrestling Mom
Hi Greg
My name is Kim i have a 9 year old son in wrestling he has been wrestling for 3 years now. when he was three years old he was diagnosed with 3 PDD which is a form of autism then as he got a little older he was diagnosed with Central audio processing disorder and ADHD.My heart gose out to this little guy because he loves the sport of wrestling he tells me mom i have it in the heart i am having a hard time rembering the moves i cried. My husband and i have taking him to a home training center in which this guy is a world champion. He loves to go but in the same breath he hates it because he said those kids are better and they can remember their moves. im afraid that this will discourage him and take the wrestling rite out of his little heart and he will start to hate it. he is very dedicated to this sport and works hard and he never gives up he wants to be a champion someday. I'm desperate to get some help for him & answers how we can get him to remember his moves. can you help Thank You
I'm sorry but I am not a doctor.... yet. I can only suggest some things that he can do. I would highly recommend for him to perhaps practice the move on a friend. Reputation can held people remember things. Or, you could video tape him at wrestling. Tape his moves and make a video of a move, say it out loud and splice it with the video. That way every time he sees it, he can remember the name.
Other then that, I have no idea. I would say reputation and any way to drive home that message. Good luck.
Wrestling Defense
take downs and set ups