Getting into good shape
I am wondering if you could give me a workout to get into better cardio shape. I am in good shape now, but I would like to improve. I just timed a 4 min 55 sec mile just to give you an idea of where I am at.
well i don't know if you can get into better cardio shape then a 4:55 mile. remember if you're doing this to get in shape for wrestling, that a match is not a mile race. you can equate it to a mile run with someone on your back some of the time and sprinting some of the time and stopping and starting and lifting and sprinting again. so with that in mind a straight long distance run isn't or i don't think would be the best thing to do to get you in ideal wrestling shape. its not bad of course, it will definitely help, don't get me wrong. it might also reflect the way in which your style of wrestling works. if that is the case then that's great and i'm sure you're well on your way to being in good shape. but as a general rule i'd say that beginning to get in shape, a long run would be good. maybe for the first few weeks or so, before you get on the mat. but after that while the weather is still decent i'd say run some hills. find a good steep hill in the area, get a stop watch and time yourself going up it once and twice and three times in a row. then keep trying to beat those times. another one would be to just take 20 minutes or so and run up and down it as many times as you can. about a 50 to 75 yard hill would be the best to get a good long sprint. good luck!
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