I would like some advice as to how to get in shape for wresting. I don't have any plans to compete in wrestling matches,I just want to know how to train.
This is my plan as of right now,
SUNDAY = joging for 30-40 minutes
MONDAY = Strength training = breathing squats 20 reps 1-2 sets,Power cleans and press 20 reps 1-2 sets,Dips 20 reps 1-2 sets,Pull ups 20 reps (if i can) 1-2 sets,Dummbell sit ups 20 reps 1-2 sets. I will alternate Deadlifts for Squats and bench press for Dips every other workout. I try to keep my workout short and intense = 35 minutes.
TUESDAY = Sprinting,I will sprint 10 yards then walk back to my starting point then sprint 20 yards walk back,and this will repeat until I reach 100 yards.
WEDNESDAY = Strength training.
THURSDAY = Sprinting.
FRIDAY = Strength training.
And of course I stretch every day.
What would you have me do to improve my routine?
Like I said I'm not competing I just want to be relatively in the same shape a wrestler would be in.
Specialized TRaining
Hey John,
IT looks like you already have a good training regimen set up for yourself. In addition to what you are doing, I would add hanging from a pull-up bar (at the beginning of a work-out day) for 2 minutes being the goal, every other day. This will greatly add to your grip-strength, as well as your mental toughness. You can also take a towel, make a knot at the end, wet the knot and twirl it like a weighted jump rope. Strive for fast, single-arm rotations (100 per 30 seconds) Become creative doing this arm to arm , at different angles, until the arms fatigue out. This usually works best doing it along with Rocky-style music. Nutrition for wrestling stamina is also critical, so please check out my sites ( Perfect Water & EXS Energy drinks & ( ) Sunrise & Vita-Shakes for the,ultimate, all-natural training supplements. Keep me posted on your progress!
Yours in the Quest for Gold,
Coach Rae-Rae