What makes a great wrestling team
Hey, i'm wondering, what makes a great wrestling team? is it the coaches training and knowledge of moves or is it the wrestlers?
Hey Marvin,
Thank you for the great question. I will offer my viewpoint from the perspective of a former national caliber wrestler, and as a national-level clinician for 35+ years. A great team has to start with a coach that believes in teaching excellence, round the clock. A great team consists of a coach with a vision, and a principle that he or she will not compromise, merely for the sake of winning - oddly enough winning isn't the only thing - and more can generally be gained from a losing experience. A team is only limited by the coach's area(s) of expertise, or lack of pursuit to stay current with the latest, sports-related technology. A great coach facilitates a great team by offering only the best routes to success, physically, mentally, and most important, spiritually. A great team consists of student-athletes that expect to win, whether by hard-work, or by genetics as a warrior-culture that would never surrender. A great wrestler will always believe that he or she can prevail, regardless of circumstances or appearances, knowing fully well that the only inevitable defeat is if one gives up prior to the buzzer. A great coach must stay cutting edge with technique, embraced by old-school dedication, to be sure that no student-athlete is left behind. A great wrestler will have faith in his or her gifts from God, and neither athlete or coach will argue for limitations short of excellence. A great wrestler will listen to the wisdom of the coach, which , in turn, should be available on demand. The great wrestler will win at all costs, with honor, and individual titlists equal a team championship - when each individual takes care of business through the championship finals.
Hopefully, this will give you a foundation to create the scenario you are interested in creating. Check out my websites which hold the latest information on natural energy , super-hydration, and whole-food concentrates. (http://opp.sunrider.com/healthessentials) for Sunrise & Vita-SHakes and (http://healthessentials.yourbodyiswater.org) Keep me posted on your progress! Good luck in your pursuit of excellence!
Yours in the Quest for Gold,
Coach Rae-Rae
wrestling age