hi in freshmen wrestling do u only learn basics or do u also go to events to wrestle and stay after school
Hey Man,
Thanks for the question. Freshmen Wrestling is your introduction to highschool wrestling. Not only will you learn the basics, but you will take part in organized events after school as well. Depending on your skill level, you may find yourself participating at the varsity level, (i.e. a 103pound wrestler that is small enough to make weight when an upper-class athlete may not be able to make the weight class). Freshmen wrestlers have their own tournaments and are recognized with freshmen letters (awards). Hopefully, you will find this era rewarding as you strive to move to the varsity level as soon as possible, in order to one day, perhaps, compete for a state title. Remember to stay up on hydration and natural-energy nutrition. Check out my websites for the info. (http://opp.sunrider.com/healthessentials) and (http://healthessentials.yourbodyiswater.org) Keep me posted on your progress. Good luck in your pursuit of wrestling!
Yours in the Quest for Gold,
Coach Rae-Rae
amateur wrestling