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core trainning

Questioncan core trainning improve my dolphin kick, if so what exercies do you suggest? AnswerYes--core training can help.  The best exercise in the


Levels of competition world wide.

QuestionWhat are teh levels of swiming competition world-wide? AnswerWorld wide competition is governed by FINA. The major international competitions are


About disadvantages of swimming

QuestionHI This Rehab from Sudan, Im 37 years old, swimming is very new to me, after three month I felt pain in low back so i stop swimming.Do you think th


diving lessons

QuestionQUESTION: im 14 years old and i have been in competitive swiming and i wanted to start compeditive diving at my high school next year but to do tha


Teaching children to swim

QuestionHi Kate, I am looking at teaching children how to swim. The age range of the children are between 1yr to 6yrs. I will be taking the children for i


swimming training

Questionmy daughter is eleven years old and I need to know how many housr she should train per week? One coach says 10 hours and 1 landtraining another say


back strength

QuestionHi Leo, Cool tips and swim history!  I was wondering about your thoughts on back strength because Ive been swimming for 14 yrs myself, and I c


swim: technique: IM

QuestionHi My youngest daugher is frustrated that her peers overtake her in 100m IM. I wondered if you had pointers for her to work on to keep her interest


swimming. freestyle turns and stroke

Questionhi George Many thanks for the help with my youngest. My eldest likes her freestyle. Im wondering if you could comment on her technique and turns. I


leg workouts

QuestionI am an ex-swimmer turned rower.  Due to a knee surgery, I am unable to run stadiums in the morning with the team and am looking for a workou


Levels of swimming

QuestionMy parents are thinking about signing me up for swim lessons. I sort of know how to swim, but I learned from friends and on my own. We arent very


Swim Parent

QuestionHi, I have a 10 yr old swimmer who has qualified in all events for the Age Group Champs in our state. I get so stressed out about her meets that I


Which Swimming Stroke

QuestionHi.  I am a 28 year old woman looking to reduce my body fat percentage and increase overall health.  My apartment building has a pool in


takeovers and staying down 4 fly

QuestionHi George: Many thanks for your previous tips for my youngest. She has been trying diligently to adopt this good advice. Three questions if I may:


Pigeon Toes and Front Stroke

QuestionHello, My boyfriend is training for a tri and hes never competitively swam before, so were trying to get his form right. It all looks good except f


which Swiming technique helps in developing which parts of the body

QuestionHi I would like to know which Swiming technique helps in developing which parts of the body. AnswerPeterjack-- Swimming is good for the core mus


Floating techniques

QuestionQUESTION: I am a beginner and I am having some problems while floating.Whenever I am trying to float without any support(like holding a bar) I am s



QuestionI am a beginner of swimming. I am having some problem while paddling. I dont exactly understand whether i should bend my legs or keep it straight w


breathing in front crawl

QuestionHallo--ive been improving my breast stroke & back stroke over the past year & am now keen to devlop the front crawl but find i can ony get half way


swimming and deafness

Question Hello, George W. I swim regularly as a way of keeping fit, without using any protection on my ears I was wondering if swimming (without using an

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