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collegiate swimming

QuestionI am told that division 1 teams unofficially require their scholarship swimmers (and perhaps all of their swimmers) to practice all year long. &nbs


Breathing out

QuestionDear George Do you breathe OUT throughout after the face hit the water for all four strokes (assuming for backstroke), or do you hold the breath a


high school swimming

QuestionQUESTION: Does high school swimming hinder (to any significant degree) the progress of club swimmers.  And if so, what are the negative affect


highly dense body mass

QuestionIn - reference to swimming literature, describe how you would use this information in teaching an individual with a highly dense body mass? Answer


How to be back to swimming

QuestionDear George, I had been in the swimming team of my middle school and high school. It was 6 years ago. Now I study masters. The elections of the sw


freestyle breathing

QuestionI am trying to train for a tri, have been marathon runner.  Working on free-style struggling with rotary breathing and flutter kick.  I c


Times not moving

QuestionHi George My daughter is 15 and has been swimming competitively for 6 years.  She peaked when she was 12.  She is predominantly a backstr


Competetive swimming slump

QuestionHi There, My 15 yr old son just started swimming 2 years ago. He has had very good results the first 2 years. This year he has only improved on 2 t


Extra protein for teenage swimmer

QuestionMy 14 year old son is in his second season swimming with our local club (he also swam with the local High School team this fall).  Hes put on


backstroke to breaststoke IM turn

QuestionDear George I ll like to know when doing the backstroke to breastsroke turn in IM, how do you go about it? It seems there are a few types ie open


backstroke to breaststroke IM turn

QuestionDear Kate I ll like to know when doing the backstroke to breaststroke IM turn, how do you go about it? It seems there are a few types ie open turn


fear of water

Questionhello sir, i want to learn but um frightened of water. can you give me few tips on getting rid of fear for water???? AnswerI wish there was an eas


Can the brain be deprived of oxygen during swimming?

QuestionGeorge, I am a special education teacher.  I was a collegiate athlete (basketball) and coached and taught physical education for over 20 year


breath holding while floating

QuestionQUESTION: Hello Kate I am a beginner in swimming and ever since i have been searching and visiting sites on tips/techniques of swimming. I wished


Performance decline

QuestionOur son is 16 years old and has been swimming for almost 9 years. He has really enjoyed the sport.  He has made steady improvements over the y


swimming and water polo

Questioni joined the swim team and was wondering what i can do to train for next season also Im going to join the water polo team and Ive never played befo


Recovering from a slump

QuestionI need your help. Ive been in a competitive swimmer for 10 years and have been in a slump for about 2 years. After getting very serious into compet


dropping time

QuestionIm writing this for my daughter who is a junior in high school. She is an avid swimmer. She swims for her high school team. She swims with the team


tumble turn

QuestionHello Iain Ill like to know when I do the freestyle tumble turn, when I flip over, my hand tend to be at the side of my body instead of should be


ASAP Help!!

QuestionHello all. I am a young swimmer and i am seeking to make states. As of right now, i can swim a 34.6 which is 0.6 seconds away from making states. M

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