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QuestionGood Day, I am an adult trying to learn swimming. I have registered my self to a swimming class. My trainer is teaching me breast stroke. I was und


help with freestyle

Questioni need help with my left arm am a right hand person so naturally am stronger with that hand but i notice i dont get much distance with my left arm


Breaststroke Exercise

QuestionWhat type of exercises should I do to improve my breastroke speed? AnswerIn order to improve your breaststroke technique, try to do drills more of


breathing while front crawl

QuestionI am having difficulty breathing while doing front crawl its difficult for me to breathe to the side.Do i have to exhale while breathing or inhale


sore knees

QuestionI am 51 and just started swimming lessons. My knees are so sore afterwards I can hardly walk. I feel a click when I kick. Im wondering, Im so hell


competitive training

QuestionMy daughter is 11.  She is ready for a more intense training- more than she is getting at her local swim club.  Where can we find a perso


tech suits!!

QuestionHello Mr.Watson, I am working on an I-Search project for school and I wanted to know if tech suits are good or bad for the sport of swimming. I als


Free Style Swimming

QuestionDear Sir, Could you please advice me about freestyle technique & Speed: How do i increase speed the increase for 50 meters freestyle swim in 54 sec



QuestionQUESTION: i m trying to swim in a swimming pool of 50 meter but i can swim only 30 m. i have started from last 15 days but i have 1 month practice


200 I.M. splits

QuestionHello I am a second year competitive high school swimmer.  I am not sure what ideal splits would be for the 200 I.M. This year at districts I


Is it possible to build muscle through swimming? And shud I drink protein shake after swimming?

QuestionQUESTION: Hi i heard that swimming doesnot build muscle but I found some articles on the internet that says if done properly, swimming can build mu


Floating and Swimming!

QuestionIve read some of the questions asked on here and didnt find anything quite to what I was looking for. I have a problem with floating, as others ha


summer swim team

QuestionHi, My son is 10 years old and has been swimming with a year round team since September. He is really loving the sport and his coach says he is pro


Fear of Going Under Water

QuestionIm 49 years old and have fear of going under water due to a couple of traumatic events as a kid where I inhaled some water. Soon after that event I


Keeping in shape

QuestionHi Mr. Watson, thanks for your time. Ive recently been offered an all-expense paid 6-week summer camp, and I just cant pass this up. My problem is


Swimming troubles/plateau

QuestionSo this is hard to explain but here I go, I  have been swimming competitively since I was 6 yrs old. When I was around 9 or 10 I would say I


unable to swim

QuestionI have a friend and he knows how to swim he just cant. He can swim ten or fifteen feet and then begins to sink. Why is this? He tries and tries but


Diving and time improvement for 9 yr old

QuestionMy daughter swims a freestyle at 17.93 (25yr).  She has drastically made improvement in her dive that has lowered her time.  She seems to


IM back to breast turn

QuestionHello What is the turn usually used from back to breast in IM swimming? Thank you Sincerely Eddie AnswerThere are two ways you can approach a



QuestionI am intermediate in freestyle . I have good stroke and breathing .However, I dont know much about flip turn. I want to know the exact distance to

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