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Swim suit

QuestionHello I am waleed i live in mississauga canada and i am looking for swimsuit, which is the best place to buy a swimsuit The Nasa made lzr racer for


when do you do butterfly kick in beginning of breaststroke

QuestionDear Ron I have noticed that during the start of breaststroke, some swimmers do a butterfly kick (now allowed) before the first breaststroke arm p


swimming making my legs stronger

Questionhello sir/madam. does swimming makes my legs stronger? AnswerShort answer, yes. Long answer, what do you mean by stronger? Will it make your run f


exercise for swimming

Questionhello sir/madam. i want to become a swimming participant. what all basic exercise i need to become a good and successful swimmer? AnswerThere is n



QuestionQUESTION: Hi, this question might be a bit unrelated. I was wondering if swimming would help solve my shoulder problem. I injured my shoulders a ye


Beginners woes

QuestionHi, I am 31, and bit late in life, decided to take the plunge. However last few classes (have had 8 of them) with a coach hasnt been very effectiv


50 butterfly time estimate

QuestionHi George, My coach avoids answering this question because he thinks it will have to deep psychological impact: I am a 47 year old masters swimmer


Training for speed

Questionhello,       i just researched a lot read all bruce lee books appllied them all but i cant get the lightening speed


butterfly dolphin

QuestionThe maximum dolphin allowed is 15 metres.  How far should I dolphin (age 17)?  How do I know what my dolphin length should be? AnswerHel


Kids on Competative Swimming

QuestionLast summer my children (then ages 11 and 8) swam with our local summer team. They both absolutely loved it, and we decided that they would swim ag


Training /risk for burnout

QuestionQUESTION: HI, my son is 11 and 3 months and has been swimming year round for 3 years. He is a 9 time state champion in free, fly and back, SCY and


backstroke armpit & kick

QuestionI heard that in backstroke your armpit should be lifted and face the sky. How does this help the stroke? Another question about kicking on your ba


Preparing for swim season

QuestionHello! my name is briana and I have been swimming competitively since i was 7, i am now 16. I have always been a very weak competitor on my team,I


Can a 10 year old over train?

QuestionI am the mom of a very determined 10 year old girl.  She begs to take every class, go to every practice, swims laps on her own, and will even


Breaststroke kick doesnt work

QuestionHi, I am new at swimming. I have tried using the breaststroke kick, but it provides no propulsion at all. Whats wrong with my technique? Note: I


swimming training program

QuestionHi Ron, I am 16, 6 foot and have a lean body. I am a beginner swimmer (struggle to swim 100m without stopping) and i have to better my time in the


Problems with Front Crawl Side-Breathing

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I am a beginner swimmer, and I have  done 16 classes. Problems with Front Crawl Side-Breathing--  a. As soon as I exh


Masters Swimmer

QuestionHi there! I turn to you for advise as Im a bit desperate =(. Ill try to make it as short as possible. Basically Ive been swimming and competing m


Getting exhausted quickly and hand aches

QuestionHi, Some Problems I faced during swimming--- 1. After doing around 15 minutes of swimming I start panting, and my full arm aches.   2. What


Swimmers Shoulder

QuestionMy shoulder has been bothering me for almost a year a now, and I am starting to think I have swimmers shoulder. It hurts whenever Im swimming and a

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