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swallowing water

QuestionHello. I am an adult who just learned how to swim last year.  I would like to be proficient at swimming so I can start competing in triathlons


swimming questions.

QuestionAlright I have just started competitive swimming and am just wanting some answers to some questions such as the diet of a swimmer(what foods should


water safety

QuestionI work over water at heights of 50-70 feet.  In the case of an unexpected fall, what is the best way to try to land in the water to minimize i


Daughters diving

QuestionMy daughter is in the swim club.  She is a beginner.  She needs help with diving off the blocks.  Once she is going, her strokes are


i cant tread water

Questioni know how to swim but i cant tread water. i have a swimming class next week and i dont know what to do.? AnswerJulie, The reason why I didnt imme


Swimming Pace/Endurance

QuestionHi-I began learning to swim from scratch 5 months ago. I began with learning the dead mans float, then learning to stand in shallow water to preven



Question  how much time should i put in a day to train  for a 500 meter swim?and is there somthin i can wear to tell me how fast im going? ------


olympic pool dimension

QuestionWhat are the olympic pool dimensions? AnswerMohamed, The only set dimension of the Olympic pools is the length.  They must be 50 meters long.


breathing when diving.

Questionhi there! im doin biology at university and we have been asked two questions. Why shoul you breathe out on your way up from diving and why should y


to get faster

QuestionI have a problem and I believe it has something to do with my technique because I have a friend thats on my swim team and Im just half an inch tall



QuestionIm a Thai Boxer and so require tough and well conditioned shins. I want to start swimming to increase my lung capacity, however Ive been told that


treading water and rotary breathing

QuestionDear Kate, At 48 years of age I live only to learn to swim. I cant seem to turn my head, open my mouth and take a breath while swimming. Also my in


Swimming: Broaden shoulders

QuestionHi Im 16 this year and Im very interested in swimming. However, im not sure of which type of swim that will enhance the shoulder muscle, as in mak


Swimming Question

QuestionI found a calculator online that tells you how many calories you burn swimming. You have the choice of vigorous, moderate or light. Im having a har


Diving Off-Season

QuestionCoach Weber, We will be entering our off-season in about a month.  With a full weight room (mostly universal type machines, dumbbells and han


Swimming for weightloss

QuestionHello.  Im not sure if this is your forte, but I just wanted some basic information about swimming to loose weight.  I recently started a


age group

QuestionMy 10 yr old son has completed 1 1/2 years of competitive club swimming. His coach says his greatest asset is his natural endurance/stamina, althou


swimming and floating

QuestionI am currently learning how to swim.  I have a hard time floating.  Some of my friends and family say you must know how to float before y


swimming vs floating

Questioni need you to settle a dispute i have with some friends of mine.  My girlfriend is taking swimming lessons and just took the lesson where you


Crawl Technique

QuestionDear Coach Weber, Ive been having a lot of trouble with the crawl stroke. Ive been inhaling quickly through my mouth on the side and breathing out

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