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Swimming practice

QuestionHi, I am a sophomore in college and swam competitively throughout elementary and high school; however, my school does not have a pool so I cannot s



QuestionHi George- I am 12 and have been swimming competitively for about 5 years now. I am a pure  breastroker, and thats probably it because thats t


Diving off the Diving Block

QuestionIm 12, and have been taking swim classes to improve my stroke all year. This summer, I plan to join the swim team. I cant wait to swim, but theres


correction to going backwards

QuestionThe type of kick I was referring to is the flutter kick, not the whip kick. Sorry AnswerAlex, This is an outstanding question.  Many great sw


Holding your breath

QuestionHey.My name is matt and i am 14 years old.I am very interested in diving. i would like to know if there are any exercises that i can do to help me



QuestionI am going to be a senior in high school and am starting my senior project. I have been swimming for as long as I can remember and racing competiti


Too much yardage

QuestionHi, my 11 year old son has been swimming for 3 years.  The coaches recently moved him up a level in practice groups.  He was swimming 4 d


Sneezing after swimming

QuestionThis is a bizarre question, but I would really appreciate your help.  I have avoided swimming because after I swim, I sneeze a lot and have a


How to stay calm underwater while working on something

QuestionDear George, My name is Jake and I am going to start BUDs training to become a Navy SEAL.I have a problem staying calm and pacing myself while bei


Teaching children to swim...what is the right schedule

QuestionI have a  15 month old and a three year old that I would like to get into formal lessons.  I am just wondering if it is better to do a tw


Adult Swimming

QuestionI am a 30yr old adult never learnt swimming before. I started taking the adult learn to swim class at the Y. 6 sessions have passed but still not t


Can those who say they cant swim really swim?

QuestionHi George, I have always wondered whether humans have an inborn, natural knowledge of swimming. For example, if someone who has never been in the


Diving blocks

QuestionMy daughter does triathlon, swims for 2 mins, runs for 1000m and rides her pony over 26 fences.  The swimming has training has been going well


competitive swim training for 14 year old girl

QuestionMy daughter has been swimming competitively for 7 years now and has always shown a natural aptitude for butterfly. She is ranked among the top in h


Breathing during front crawl

QuestionI was a complete beginner and have been learning to swim for 4 months.  I have been practising front crawl and can turn my head to alternate s


I think Im one of the 3% who cant float...

QuestionGeorge, I just read your response to a previous inquiry.  Im a 64 225 lb. male with large legs (from sprinting) and little body fat, and I ca


How much do i need to swim to burn around 500 calories?

QuestionHi... i want to know how good would a 20 minute swim be for me... How much do i need to swim to loose around 500 calories? I do about 4 laps at a s


Diving position on entering water

QuestionI have been teaching swimming lessons for around 10 years now.  I am currently helping with the Summer League in my town.  I was asked by


hamstring cramps

QuestionI am a natural body builder and avid wake boarder.  My hamstrings cramp a lot when I swim with my son.  I notice it more the leaner I get


Diving instruction

QuestionHi George, my 10 year old daughter has just joined a swim team and all the other kids know how to dive, she does not.  What training tools, bo

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