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Teaching Adult Swimming Lessons

QuestionHi Eric, I am a swim instructor at a local pool, and I have recently had a few adults come to me interested in private lessons.  What kinds of


diving in for freestyle

QuestionMy son has been swimming for 4 years -- now he is 10. He has coordination issues, but loves the sport. He is not a very good diver, and this year


swim meets

Questionmy coach thinks i am the best on our swim team , i win all my meets , he says i should try pushing myself harder , nut when i am done my practise i


Breathing & Swimming

QuestionI am just learning to swim.  When I breath out I only breath out through my mouth, is this bad?  My friend says that I should only breath


Daughter freezing at swim practice!

QuestionHi - My eight-year-old daughter just joined our local swim team. Practices are early mornings (outdoors) and the temperature is rarely over 60 degr


200 meter IM

QuestionIm curious about the rule for turning from back to breast in the 200 meter IM.  I usually finish the backstroke part like Im finishing a backs


Motivating My Son

QuestionWe live in Florida and have access to a safe nice swimming pool.  I have a 12 years old son who swims a little bit.  I would like him to



QuestionHi, I have recently started high diving only two lessons, but I was wondering about techniques in general at the start of the dive, but also I was


swimming for surfing

QuestionHi, I have just learnt to surf but have pathetically weak upper body strength. In addition to my new gym training sessions Id like to swim to incre


number of sessions per week

QuestionHi My Grandson is 11yrs 2mths and is a County standard competitive swimmer he currently swims with an elite squad (selection by times + dedication


stuck on a plateau

QuestionIve been swimming competitive for quite a while- eight years, and Im almost fourteen years old. My progress has slowed down a lot, the height of my


staying afloat, running out of breath at the end

QuestionHi, Im a beginner swimmer, and Ive been have trouble staying afloat in a up straight position. Im also experiencing breath exhausting at the end of


can not float

QuestionGeorge: I have just completed my first sprint triathlon, and really enjoyed the experience.  For the swim, I wore a wetsuit because I can not


teaching son to dive

QuestionMy 11 yr. old son is struggling to learn to dive for his Boy Scout swimming merit badge.  He can do a kneeling dive, and a squatting dive, but


double pracitces

QuestionQUESTION: This year I will be swimming for my high school team.  We are unable to have double practices because we get bussed to a pool.  


slow starts in summer swim league

QuestionMy 9 year daughter is consistently the last one to dive in during her races.  While she does quite well, she always is swimming catch-up to he


Swimming: Shoulder fatigue

QuestionHello, I am a casual swimmer 2/3 times per week. My probelm when swimming is my deltoids (particularly medial) fatigue quite easily. After about


new swimmer

QuestionQUESTION: Hye......i have just start swimming. its been my 10th day. No coach is available in pool.i do swim but i dont know which style. can say f


Race Diving w/ Goggles

QuestionHi, Eric.  I swam competitively from age 8 to 18, back when swimmers didnt wear goggles.  Ive continued swimming to stay fit, and am now


Toddler Swimming Lessons

QuestionHave a 4 yr old, just started swimming lessons yesterday, loved the first day, now 2nd day, says she is scared. Had to be carried out of pool by in

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