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swim coach

QuestionI am on a high school swim team, Ive been Varsity all four years, and last year I was captain. I love swim, but I dont like my coach. I disagree wi


small pool--big kids!

QuestionI currently coach a team of 30 H.S. swimmers and we are blessed with a three lane, 20yd pool.  I am in a constant struggle to make hard, effec


Diving with Swim Goggles

QuestionMy 6-year-old wants to learn to dive (just from the edge of the pool for now), but doesnt like to go under water without goggles.  Is it safe



Questionhello, I am over 30 and never learned how to swim. I find it a problem to stay floating above the water.I usually sink. Is there any strategies or


safe diving instruction

QuestionHi Eric, I have two questions. What kind of dive would you recommend to teach 6 year olds and what would be a reasonable coach to kids ratio for a



QuestionWhat is going on here? Now youre coaching? Drop me a line. AnswerIs this Eddie?  If so, please send in another response. I will send you my e


swimming laps

Questioni just started swimming laps and want to know is there a certain number of laps to do or how long should you swim laps to get fit  and loose w


Lap swimming rut

QuestionHi Eric, Im 42 and never swam on a team or with a group.  I gave up jogging b/c of foot problem - and have been swimming for about 7 yrs as my



QuestionI used to be a lifeguard and also swim for my county in my youth. I am now 51 and have recently started swimming again to keep fit. My problem is t


Navy Class 2 swim test

QuestionGeorge,   I would like to know what the Navy Class II swim test is made up of.  So I can train and prepare myself properly. Thank


Exhale through nose or mouth?

QuestionHello.  Im learning to swim and I find that I am more comfortable exhaling my breath through my mouth while under water rather than through my


how can I improve my speed?

QuestionIm on the swim team and I just started last year at my highschool but I can only swim during swim season which lasts for about 2 months and then Im


swimming workouts

QuestionGeorge, I have been swimming for 6 months now and am kind of obsessed or shall I say very passionate about it. I have an extensive surfing backgrou


Drugs in swimming

QuestionHave any former East German or Chinese swimmers had to give up Olympic medals after admitting to steroid use after the medals were awarded? If not.


weight training and swimming

QuestionHello Eric,    I have been doing moderate lifting and swimming because I love it. My main problems are usually with lower back tig


Exercise routine for divers

QuestionHi, I am a high school diving coach and as part of daily workouts we do dry land exercise. I could really use some help developing a program tailor


How to do breathing?

QuestionDear Sir: my question is that how breathing cud be performed smoothly while swimming free style coz i can enhale but its difficult for me to exhal


Swimming Faster

QuestionI want to know how to swim faster. I can swim 25 yards in 18 seconds. I need to reach a speed of 50 yards in under 30 seconds. No matter how fast a


Swin Workout

QuestionHello there, I am a 23 year old female, who can only swim about 4 times a week.  I do basically the same workout each time:  500 warm up


swimming shoulder workout

QuestionHi I am 22 year old male. I swim now for 4 months almost every day 1 hour/day. My problem is my shoulders are too narrow and i want to have broad

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