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teaching swim lessons

QuestionAfter a ten year hiatus I am getting back in to teaching private swim lessons.  I love it but feel a bit rusty remembering all the helpful hin


Swim Improvement -- Best approach

QuestionDear Eric, I took about 15 swim lessons and practiced on my own at the pool.  I was able to do the backstroke OK, the sidestroke OK, the elem


swim - beginner

QuestionHi Kate I have problem keeping my feet above water.  My instructor suggested that I kick harder, but it helps little and I just get tire soon


200 breastroke

QuestionHi Eric, thanks so much for your time! I have Mets coming up in a few weeks, and one of my events is the 200 breast. I absolutely hate this event!



QuestionHi George, I was never taught how to flip turn but would like to know if there is an alternative turn to do when you reach the end of the pool. OR



QuestionI am training for the triathlon season and this is my second year as a triathlete. However, I have a terrible swim. I have power, but I have a hard



QuestionHi George, Im 14 years of age and i took 2 weeks swimming lesson 2 months ago. Before that, I couldnt swim or float at all. But after the lesson,


floating and swimming

QuestionHi Kate, Im 14 years of age and i took 2 weeks swimming lesson 2 months ago. Before that, I couldnt swim or float at all. But after the lesson, I


Breathing troubles

QuestionI cant seem to get the hang of rotary breathing due to the issue of getting lots of water up my nose (Ive been practicing using the edge of pool me


Red Cross & B.S.A. lifeguard

QuestionMy son has his Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Lifeguard certification.  Is that considered comparable/compatible to the American Red Cross certif



QuestionHello, i was wondering what would be the best way to get better at sprinting. All of the coaches around here only do distance.I was able to drop my



QuestionQUESTION: what muscles should i train with weights to improve short distance swimming. (50-200 yds) ANSWER: Steve-- You dont want to just train on


4-year-old son got pushed at pool

QuestionI took my 4-year old son (just turned 4) for his first swimming lesson without me in the water the other day. He was very excited and so was I beca


immersing head under water

QuestionMy 2.6 year old daughter enters the water confidently with arm bands.  However, she is terrified of immersing her head under water and even av


swimmers body

QuestionHi Kate I noticed that swimmers body are very lean, slim and yet not bulky. Do they do weights or is it due to the training in the pool? Thank yo


Further evaluation

QuestionI have son who recently turned 13 and has swam competitively year round for 4 years now.  We started slowly(2-3 days/wk) and he has progressed


beginning swimmer-- 500 meter swim

QuestionI was recently hired by a camp to be a counselor. After they hired me, they informed me that each counselor was going to take a lifeguarding test a


Swimming dive

QuestionDear George, Im from Brazil and Im doing a school project about the swimming dive before you go into the pool, I would like to know if you have som



QuestionHi Mr. Weber I practice 6 times a week for 2 hour sessions (additional weights on about 2-3 times a week.) Practices are usually about an hour aft


hip flexor muscle involvement in swimming

QuestionI am a very active female who has recently injured my right hip flexor during a mtn bike accident.  Swimming seems to aggravate the condition

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