I need help with my brest do you have any tips? I don't know if this helps but i am great at free and fly.
Knowing that you are great at free and fly tells me that you have a lot of upper body strength. This probably makes breastroke frustrating for you, because of the fact that it is not as quick of a stroke. Here are some tips to make you utilize your power in the breastroke:
1. My favorite drill for breastroke is placing a tennis ball underneath your chin while swimming. This forces you to lift your body vertically out of the water. Remember to also move horizontally, or else you will not be efficient.
2. Another drill involves doing the breastroke arm motion with the butterly kick. This forces your body above the water during stroke recovery (when your arms return to your body). Remember to use your hips during this drill, and think of it as butterfly with breastroke arms.
3. Although arms are important for breastroke, do not forget the frog kick. Practice kicking keeping your knees inside your ankle line. Do not "overkick" by forcing your legs too far apart. A more efficient kick is long rather than wide.
4. Finally, a more common but equally important breastroke drill is the 3 second glide. After each stroke, instead of immediately stroking again, keep your body in the gliding position for 3 seconds. This provides your body more power for each stroke, by giving you 3 seconds of "rest". However, use these 3 seconds to concentrate on your form, keeping your head in line with your arms.
I hope these drill help you to improve your stroke. Remember that with proper technique, breastroke can be just as fast and powerful as freestyle and butterfly. Getting your body up and over the water, and using your hips to propel your upper body forward are key to this stroke. Hope this helps!
Basics of Swimming