How much 2 swim
I am a 19yr old male, cureently attending College. I am active and seem 2 b bored w/ regular exercise. I've never tried exercising w/ swimming b4 so this is new territory 4 me. I run laps and lift weights but when it comes 2 swimming I don't know how much 2 do in order 4 a good work out?! What is considered a lap, goin back and forth? How many laps should i start out with in the begining? i hope u can help me out, thanks
The number of laps you do depends on your conditioning. For most beginners starting at 500 to 1000 yards/meters is a good place to start. You really don't need to worry about how you count laps(people count them different everywhere). The only thing you need to concern yourself with is how long the pool is and how many lengths is equal to the total you are aiming at..
Best of luck,
middle-aged beginner