Help getting started!
My daughter is 6 years old and is obsessed with diving. She wants to learn how to dive off the platforms. I know she is too young to for them, but she could start off on the springboard. Where do I begin to help her? We live in northeast SC. I would appreciate any advice you can give.
I have found only one US diving club in SC, I'm not sure whether it is anywhere you can get to, but here is the contact info:
Club: South Carolina Divers
Contact: Todd Sherritt
Address: 508 Wilts Ct
Columbia, SC 29212
If this isn't a feasible club, check with your local Parks and Recreation department or local high school about beginning diving lessons. A YMCA may also be able to help.
I hope you can find something that works for you,
Good luck,
spitting at the blocks
Swim timing system