Good Day,
I am an adult trying to learn swimming. I have registered my self to a swimming class. My trainer is teaching me breast stroke. I was under the impression that the beginners are thought free style. When i asked the query to her she told me that for adults the best stroke to learn is Breast stroke and for children they are coached with free style and she also told me that for adults free style is difficult to learn.
Want your expert opinion on this.
While it is true that a basic breaststroke is pretty easy(even though the kick done properly is slightly difficult)and it is a good rest stroke, it also allows the face to stay more above the water. However, I do recommend learning the freestyle at the beginning. It teaches breathing better and, if you are looking for swimming as a training alternative, freestyle is better. As for the adults having difficulties, that is not really correct. Depending on the persons agility and coordination it can be a little harder to learn, but generally, just as easy to learn.
help with freestyle
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