1. Call for help immediately. Dial emergency services (911 or your local emergency number) and inform them about the drowning incident. Provide the exact location of the pool and any other relevant details.
2. Throw a flotation device. If there is a nearby flotation device such as a life ring, pool noodle, or inflatable toy, throw it towards the person in distress. Encourage them to grab onto it and stay afloat.
3. Reach out with a long object. If no flotation device is available, look for a long object that can extend your reach, such as a pool skimmer, fishing pole, or a long branch. Try to gently extend the object towards the drowning person and encourage them to grasp it.
4. Secure the person and bring them to safety. If you are able to reach the person, grab their clothing or hair and try to pull them closer to the pool edge. If possible, help them get out of the water by assisting them to climb out or by pulling them using the nearby object.
5. Start CPR if needed. Once the person is out of the water, check their breathing and pulse. If they are not breathing or have no pulse, immediately start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until medical help arrives.
6. Stay calm and provide emotional support. Drowning incidents can be traumatic, so try to stay calm and reassuring while waiting for professional help. Provide emotional support to the person who was drowning and assist in any way you can.
7. Seek medical attention. Even if the person seems to be recovering, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Drowning can cause internal injuries or complications that may not be immediately apparent.
Remember, drowning can happen quickly and silently, so vigilance and swift action are crucial in preventing serious injuries or fatalities. If you are planning to use a pool, make sure there is constant supervision of swimmers and appropriate safety measures in place, such as lifeguards, clear signage, and accessible flotation devices.
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