Diving for ages 40 and up in Seattle
Could you direct me to a coach and/or team in the Seattle area for older divers?
Maureen - The only pool offering diving at all in Seattle is found at the Queen Anne Pool. They have a drop in program on weekday evenings. You can find more info by using your search engine and entering Seattle Parks and Recreation Pools.That will take you to their website.
You should also try www.mastersdiving.org. Masters is a term for adult recreational competitive diving. Click on e-mail addresses and find people in the Puget Sound area who are adult divers. I know of one in Redmond (J. Deininger) and a woman in Seattle (Alix Shepard-Collison). Contact them and see if they know about the Queen Anne program or other pools with diving for adults.
Good luck in your search
finding a dive school or coach
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