We live in Western PA. Are there any spring or platform diving lessons available either in Western PA or Eastern Ohio
To find diving programs in the areas you describe, go to www.usadiving.org, click on Clubs and then Find A Club. Enter PA and look for the Pitt Aquatic Club at the University of Pittsburgh pool (www.pittaquaticclub.com). Then go back and enter OH and look for the team in Akron (akronrippers.org). There are other teams at these webpages that may be closer to where you live. The ones I have suggested are the most successful in those parts of PA and Ohio.
Other websites to try:
www.divemeets.com - At the top of the homepage,click on Teams, Divers and Coaches. Click on teams and huge list will come up. Look for teams in PA and OH.
www.diving.about.com - Site that explains the sport.
Good luck in your search.
USA diving website educational material
Diving in college and 2016 Olympics