USA diving website educational material
Hi Tom
Do you recommend any of the material listed in the usadiving website. In particular:
1)"preventive exercise program for competitive divers" (for flexibility and stranght training)
2) skill development clinic 1,2,3
or any other you may recommend.
about me: i am beginner diver and i am trying to improve techinique, flexibility etc.
I know about Hobie Billingsley's books (which i have) and wilkinson's dvd as you recommended but wanted to know if you were also familiar with the above mentioned material and if you would recommend it.
Yes I think it would be in your best interest to obtain these materials from USA Diving. Here are some other suggestions for you: - Click on videos at the top of the home page (if you have to register, it is free). At the videos page, choose ones that interest you. I suggest clicking on diving lessons and review the 6 that are offered by the coach from the University of Indiana. - Lots of articles here by Woody Franklin that can help you understand the sport better. - In the search box, enter a book called 'Diving For Gold' by Ron O'Brien. You can get one for not much money at all. There is also a video of his book called 'Diving My Way' that you may also like. At this page, make sure you look for the one by O'Brien and not the books about panning for gold or SCUBA !
Hope this helps.
dvd for college