Pros of using decomposed granite under an above ground pool:
* Good drainage: Decomposed granite has good drainage properties, which can help to prevent water from pooling around the pool.
* Stable base: Decomposed granite provides a stable base for the pool, which can help to prevent the pool from sinking or shifting.
* Easy to install: Decomposed granite is easy to install, and it can be done by do-it-yourselfers.
Cons of using decomposed granite under an above ground pool:
* Can be dusty: Decomposed granite can be dusty, especially when it is dry. This can be a problem if the pool is used frequently.
* Can be tracked into the pool: Decomposed granite can be tracked into the pool, which can make the water dirty.
* Can be expensive: Decomposed granite can be more expensive than other types of base materials.
Overall, decomposed granite can be a good option for an above ground pool base, but there are some potential drawbacks to consider before making a decision.
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