Dual sports
Hi Tom,
We live in Tracy, Ca and I think Delta Valley Diving is our closest program. We are a homeschool family with ample time and a very energetic 8 year old who does competitive gymnastics. Do you think it would be possible to compete in both diving and gymnastics, or should we wait on diving until she is older?
Thanks, Peggy
I would suggest waiting until she is older to begin diving in meets. She could however make diving a fun recreational activity in the warmer months. Remember there are no indoor pools in Northern California. Let her have fun with diving at this age so she becomes familiar with it.
The problem at her age with doing both competitively is that she is probably just starting out in gymnastics and learning the fundamental skills it takes to be a good competitor. Since diving is primarily a head first sport, it can be confusing to a young kid who has to do everything feet first in gymnastics. There are many feet first skills in diving when you first start out but you have to learn to go headfirst. If she tries to do both competitively at the same time at this age, she will dive like a gymnast and start to do gymnastics like a diver. This could result in injury, especially if she gets confused in gym and accidently goes head first.
Around the age of 12 or 13 will be the time do decide which sport is right for her. Wait until then as it is very good age for a gymnast to start competitive diving.
Diving ructions
Getting back on the board 15yrs after highschool