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is walking?



walking to loose weight

QuestionI really need help!  I have not been doing any exercise, but have been very athletic all of my life.  I am 56 yrs. old and Im getting a d


walking strides

QuestionIm in good health and want to maximize my walking.  Ive experimented with strides, but really cant decide which is better.  Is it better


walking up hill

Questioni suffer frompanic attackes and i walk them off///ijust shifteed to a new area thats all hilly...and ive noticed that my legs feel like they are st


Can you tell what this is?

Question I am 50 year old female from Australia,I suffer from panic and agoraphobia since I was 21 year old ...I lived by the sea for 2 years then shifted


cramping while walking

QuestionPatt: This may be better asked of a medical professional, but with your experience with the walking exercise, you may have come across this slightl


walcking enough?

QuestionI am a venezuelan man 41, and after leaving my son at school I walck to the subway station here in Caracas, almost 40 minutes ecery day from monday


walk for my heart

QuestionHi Patt I want to start to walk for my heart among other health issues, How do I start, how far, how hard, what all is involved, I rely on your hel


how much

QuestionHi Patt How much can I start to walk for my health to fill better and maybe loose a few? I do not want to be a top dog, just to make myself healthi


walking is good for what?

QuestionHi Patt What is exactly is walking good for, loosing weight, maintaining, etc. Let me know for I need a program to just keep toned over the holiday


How much to Walk?

QuestionI am a 28 year old female who recently made a commitment to get back in shape.  So far Ive lost 30 pounds through regular walking and healthy


starting off

QuestionCan u help me make a schedule of walking, I work nine to five daily but weekends are off. How do I start and how far? AnswerSUSAN START OUT SLOWLY


My foot

QuestionI enjoy walking and consider myself fit. However over the past couple of weeks I have had a painful muscle in my left leg in the calf at the rear a


walking vs. biking

QuestionMy job is a 7 minute walk downhill from my house, which means obviously uphill home.  Which would be better for weight loss and general heal


Walking for health

QuestionI am a survivor of Fallots tetrollogy,but have been left with scars on the heart causing premature ventricular contravtions (irregular heartbeat)an


Is it enough?

QuestionI am 35 years old and I have tried to stay fairly active over the past 3 years.  I am having a very hard time getting weight off.  I weig


Speed of walk

QuestionThat would work only I have what is called Buergers disease (closing of veins below both knees and I have not been able to run for yrs. Walking is


General walking

QuestionHi. I have a very old walking machine..no programs to be ran..I can adust the speed manually by a handle..It goes between 1.5 and 5 mph. Its not co


hi i was wondering how long...

Questionhi i was wondering how long should i walk to lose weight? how many times a day and how many minutes? AnswerTasha:   For losing weight y


how walk should i walk to...

Questionhow walk should i walk to lose weight? how many time a week? AnswerHello Meka There is four ways to walk and get your metabolism up. 1. If you p

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