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David,I am 24 yrs old and...

QuestionDavid, I am 24 yrs old and played soccer in college. I have been out for two years and have some knee problems that prevent me from running much. I


exercise after babywalking

Questionhi,well i just had a baby im on and off the treadmill, well i was on like 1 month straight and i was toning and i wasnt losing i dnt think well i w


Tips on walking with a stick

QuestionHi, i would be grateful if you could help. My mum uses a stick and finds her shoulder suffers as a result. I was wondering if you knew of any key p


Bone Spur

QuestionDear Scott, I realize you are not a doctor but I am hoping you might be able to help.  A few years ago a fifty pound box fell behind my right


Wrapin myself with nylon material to get sweaty, is it dangerous?

QuestionHi David, Im 24 years old and I go walking and running every day for about an hour. The thing is that when I go running I wear undeneath my trainin


Walking and weights

QuestionI am a 55 yr old female.  I work full time but discipline myself to walk briskly 2 miles every evening.  Would it be beneficial to wear a


walking with hand held weights.

QuestionI have been told that walking while using 2 lb. hand weights is not good for your heart. Walking is already taxing your heart and using hand held w


Early morning walking

Question Thank you once again for ur advice can these product will help me? http://saunabelt.cq.bz/ http://shop.indiainfo.com/product.php?attributeid=4266


Knee problem

QuestionHello, I have been walking most days for a couple of months trying to loose some weight. Part of the walk invoive some stairs. I normally take t


lower back pain

QuestionWhat could be the reason that my lower back hurts when walking long distances?  Thanks. AnswerSome ideas might include incorrect posture, usi



QuestionI recently stopped smoking and have put on 40 pounds.  I started walking to try to lose this unwanted weight.  How many calories do you b


calories burnt

QuestionHi I am Jareesh, I want to know some formula on the basis of Calories burnt on different exercises. Such as Leg Extension mechine, cycling mechine



QuestionHi, I am a current jogger and probably do it about 3 to 4 times a week for about 30 to 40 minutes.  I recently learned that jogging actually d


Asthma & Exercise

QuestionHeres the problem.  I have had moderate to severe asthma since I was a child.  At one point doctors thought I had Cystic Fibrosis.  


Walking program needed

QuestionI put on several pounds, was a 145 now Im 165, Im 5ft8in. I gained my weight from being on a depovera shot for 9 months. For some reason, I cant se


time to distance

QuestionWhat is the average length of time it takes to walk a mile (moderate walking)? AnswerHi Cynthia! Its Lanny.  It takes about 10-15 minutes to


walking and osteoporosis

QuestionIs walking a good exercise for osteoporosis in older people? AnswerHi Mike! Its Lanny. Yes, walking is good for senior citizens with osteoporosis


Calf pain while walking

QuestionI am overweight, about 220 lbs and 54. I am 43 years old. I dont really get THAT out of breath. I could have gone around the block another time or


exercise plan

QuestionHi, Im a 53yr old male, reasonably fit and active. I have always walked for pleasure (usually about 60 - 90 minutes brisk walking, 2 or three time


Walking Shoes for Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk

QuestionI will be walking the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk in Nov. and am starting to train.  They suggest that we buy 2 good pairs of shoes and alturnate

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