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Is it ok to walk 30 minutes 1 day and rest 2 days?


HELLO: I have a question.  Is it enough exercise for me to walk 30 minutes, and then rest 2 days and repeat that cycle? i ask this because i read a lot of books, and i don't want to do too much exercise which can impede and kill my book-reading habits.

For instance, when i engage in every day exercising i feel too tired and sored and that kills my reading habits.

Thanx and any comments on this would be appreciated

Juan Carlos

Hi Juan

I firmly believe in walking every day. The Surgeon General advises 30 minutes of walking briskly or activities like brisk walking is the minimum that we need for basic fitness and health benefits.  Believe it or not we are 揵uilt?to engage in every day exercising. So as long are your Doctor has not limited your activities, go for it!

If walking for 30 minutes/day tires you out and makes you sore maybe you should start out at 10/day for a few weeks and then add 5/minutes per week until you are up to 30/day.

Good luck Juan! And grab a buddy to join you in your healthy adventure!


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