Is it enough?
I am 35 years old and I have tried to stay fairly active over the past 3 years. I am having a very hard time getting weight off. I weigh 185 lbs. and I drop and gain 20 lbs. or so back and forth over months at the time. I have recently found out I have a cholesterol level over 300 so I have been put on a low cholesterol, low fat diet, app. 2000 calories per day along with Lipitor. I am walking right at 4 miles per day at 4 mph and at a grade from 0 to 6 and burning 600-650 calories per day(treadmill calculates this). Is this enough exercise? This takes about one hour every morning. I do it five days per week. I am not currently doing any weight training but hope to start that soon. I was just wondering is this enough or should I do more? Thanks in advance for your time and advice.
Hi Mary
It does sound like your starting off with plenty to begin with. Down the road u will want to do some toning with weights, stretching, etc. But, for now walking is good, when u get down to a good flexable weight to move more Agile, try Power Walking with small weights in hands.
This is head held high, taking large of steps u can reach for in stride, fast as u can make them in your 4 mile a day. This will give a good sweat, drop u faster and a good safe way to loose and maintain and enjoy getting out, people will notice u and see your loosing and working and they will join in and soon 3 or 4 of u will be walking together.
Enjoy excerciseing and make friends doing it, take along a small hook on radio for music, make it fun and keep with it and WALLA your going to look great ths spring and keep it up, just because u meet your goal, do not quit, just slow down to lesser days a week, but never quit, maintaining weight takes a life long commitment, so enjoy, make it fun not hard work and keep it up most and more important. TOne with weight later if necessary. Have legs people would die for.
kind regards
Speed of walk
Walking for health