how walk should i walk to...
how walk should i walk to lose weight? how many time a week?
Hello Meka
There is four ways to walk and get your metabolism up.
1. If you prefer walking along a sidewalk, for example, walk every day. Walk quickly and move your arms back and forth quickly, moving them up as high as you can with each step. This really gets the metabolism up high to loose weight.
2. If you prefer to be indoors; buy The Step and do steps up and down when you wake up, for about 15 minutes, and again before you go to bed, for about 15 minutes.
3. The BEST aerobic exercise is walking up and down a flight of stairs. If you can do them at least once a day, that is good too.
4. And finally, the gym has machines called stepping machines. They work good to.
Do any of these exercises every day.
If you have any more questions, please write to me again.
David,I am 24 yrs old and...
hi i was wondering how long...