I'm 54 years old already what distance and number of days a week should i walk? thanks
Age has little to do with becoming healthier through walking. Only those with heavily doctor-supervised illnesses must take special precautions.
However, everyone starting an exercise program should proceed slowly to avoid overdoing it at first. The quickest way to get burned out or injured is to try to do too much, too soon. So to start with, try to do less exercise than you feel capable of. The time to really push yourself is later on, after you have achieved a level of conditioning.
Depending on your weight and general health, you may have to start off very low. But here is the suggestion: if you CAN walk a mile at one time, you might start with a half mile EVERY day. Then over several weeks you can slowly increase this to one mile every day. Ultimately, for good health benefits, you want to reach 2+ miles every day. But take your time getting there.
How fast should you walk? Walk at a comfortable pace, which allows you to hold a conversation without gasping. You should find this will get faster as you get in better shape.
Other things to consider: eat more fruits and vegetables, less partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, and get good shoes. Go to a reputable running specialty store and have them fit you in running shoes. Then, keep track, and replace them when you have totaled 500 miles or so.
Best of luck to you!
Treadmill walking on incline
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