calf pain/weight loss
Hi, i am a 29 year old female. i found out in May 08 that i suffer from depression and bipolar syndrome. I have gained approximated. 35-lbs from the medication I'm on, and i also quit smoking. I've been off work since May 08.
I had a scope done on my left knee in June. I want to get back into shape, so i started walking, i walk with my boyfriend at night (45 min) and my legs are pain free. I started to walk in the morning for 30min and within the first 5min my lower legs hurt so bad and i do not know why. I'm walking around the same speed as i do with my boyfriend.
He told me that maybe i need to drink more water in the morning. What do you think? Is there any tips you can give me on losing weight?
Thank you for your time
There is no question that morning exercise can be more challenging for some people. I prefer exercise in the evening myself. But your pain issue is unusual. A slower pace might help, or it might be related to water intake or diet. A consultation with a doctor might be a good idea. If there is nothing physically wrong, you may want to just skip the morning walk.
Your weight loss will be more difficult because of the medication. But a consistent walking program plus a modest cut-back on food intake will allow you to reduce your weight slowly. It is better to gradually reduce because you are more likely to keep the weight off. Crash dieting is not healthy.
Walking Distance / Time
reddness and calf cramping