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Intermediate board

QuestionHello! I am still gathering info for my next intermediate board. I am now convinced that a 160 lts would be too little of a change from my current

Floatation of board

QuestionHello, Im 83Kg. What is the lowest amount of volume in litres of board, to keep me floating on it even in very light or no wind conditions? Particu

sailbord size

Questionis there a calculation for own weight vs minimum litres to be able to uphaul in light winds?  I have 2 boards and can waterstart easily on the

Rail design and upwind

QuestionHi! I am at an early intermediate stage and I am undecided whether to buy a Taboo Rocket 145 or a Fanatic Shark 145. I havent seen either as yet b

Powerbox - wedge and slot dimensions

QuestionHi there, would you happen to know what are the standard Powerbox fin wedge and board fin slot dimensions? Any sites on fin manufacture details?

Replace mast track

Question Alpha Hi, I need to replace the mast track for an old Alpha Comptec board, the thing is parts for those boards are no longer available and I`d lik

Windsurfer Board Repair

QuestionI accidently put a 1/4 inch puncture hole below the rocker line in my HyFly Magnum (Polyprophlene) windsurfing board.  The hole is small and i


QuestionHello, I know it is kind of late, but I have some questions for a project. What equipment do you need? Where (in your opinion) is the best place to

Bic e-Rock Wind Range

QuestionWhat are the best sail sizes for the Electric Rock? I am about 180 lbs and have used 4.0 to 7.0 on the E-Rock. What about the Astro Rock? AnswerHe

windsurfing startet

QuestionHi, I am a new comer in wind surfing! never done it before,,,here is who I am: I am now at 52 years old, wight of 245lbs and moving down to 210 lbs

OBrien parts

QuestionI am looking for OBrien Sailboard parts. I need centerboard,mast mount and extension. Thank you AnswerHey Jack, The best I can suggest is to chec

Board size problem

QuestionHi, I have just seen a secondhand board on sale in a local shop. I have checked the gear and its all in good condition. However, the board is 288cm

Battens and mast

QuestionHi! I started windsurfing last year and bought my own gear a couple of months ago. I have got North sails Natural 5.8 and a Naish Sprint 6.6 with

footstraps & lessons

QuestionI have inherited a HiFly 320FX longboard(?) from a neighbor.  I am going to take it to a friends lake here in Alabama this spring to learn and

Board size and length

QuestionDear Patrick, I way about 170 lbs and am about 6 ft tall.  I do not know much about board size and volume.  I have been learning on an

Disconnect mast from board...

QuestionI just bought two older long boards at a yard sale theyre both Mistral. One has a peddle release mechanism, the other doesnt. The one that doesnt j

possible board purchase

QuestionHey I started windsurfing last summer on a 1986 windsurfer. It was a bit of a tank and I am looking to get something a bit newer/faster. Everythin

Ezzy sails

QuestionHi! I wonder if you can offer any comments on the Ezzy Sails, particularly the Ezzy Freeride 3 ( 2009) and the RRD Evolution Mark II sails . From

Sail size

QuestionHi! Thanks for your advice on the Ezzy Free Ride 3 sail. I am getting a Tabou Rocket 145 STD board  shortly .  So far, I have been using

please help

QuestionHi Patrick I am big fan of windsurfing always wanted  buy one.With two small kids something is always more important.Untill next week .I walke

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